Seiji Suemitsu

作詞作曲、アレンジ、ボーカル、コーラス、ギター、キーボード、打ち込みなどなど、なんでもこなす万能ミュージシャン。 音楽教室「Blue Ocean Harmony」を主催し地域社会で音楽の普及にも取り組むと同時に、オンライン音楽教室「The Pocketオンラインミュージックスクール」のギター講師でもある。

An all-round musician with a variety of remarkable skills including song writing and arrangement, lead and backing vocals, guitars, keyboards, DAWs… and more! Also runs Blue Ocean Harmony, a music school, contributing to helping the community’s people more enjoy music. Also teaching guitar at the online music school ThePocket Online Music School.

Sugar Bamboo

卓越した和音感覚とリズム感を活かし、コーラス、キーボードを軸に楽曲制作、ライブパフォーマンスなどの音楽活動を行う。 TAKE名義にてアカペラグループ「Orange Vox」、ジャズポップユニット「あやとり」所属。

A composer, arranger and performer specialized in music featuring vocal harmony and keyboards with his outstanding sense of harmony and rhythm. Also belongs to Orange Vox, an a cappella group, and Ayatori, a jazz pop trio, by the name of TAKE.

Special Thanks


– Lead & Backing Vocals for “Far Cry”

Ryo Kurimoto

– Mixing & Mastering Engineer

Sugar Cocoon

– Vinyl Record Logo Design

Photographers from / Illustrators from

– For their photo images and illustrations used in music videos and on this website